FairMagnet offers its members a standardised seal-awarding procedure. Pooling market power to achieve CSR-aims and objectives is one considerable advantage of a membership. The factory assessments are conducted by the EHS Academy of Nanjing University and other independent certification bodies. In addition members profit from a wide range of information, individual consulting by experts and access to a professional, international network.
As a member of FairMagnet you actively take responsibility for your supply chain network. Moreover, your company supports managers and employees of your supplier to improve environmental protection and safety at work. Hence, you make a contribution to a fair global economy while at the same time minimizing risks as a raw magnet importer facing reputational damage from malpractices in your supply chains.
FairMagnet is coordinated by FairMagnet e.V., a registered association and non-profit organisation. A possible monthly payed member fee has to be discussed by the steering committee and would only cover the basic costs. A transition to becoming a non-profit limited liability company is being considered (gGmbH under German charter of incorporation and tax laws).
Additional costs for EHS-trainings, audits, re-audits and certification of new suppliers (travel costs within China included) depend on the number of suppliers of each member. The costs are settled directly between the member and the auditors. Inother words, FairMagnet is leanly managed and operates quite decentralized.
It would be a pleasure to welcome you as FairMagnet member! In advance we would like to thank you for your confidence and trust!
If you have any further questions regarding membership and other forms of participation, the contact persons of FairMagnet are happy to help.