The certification process of FairMagnet is carried out in four steps.
- A complete diagnosis of actions required in CSR activities is conducted by an independent factory assessment. The audits check if the areas Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) fulfil the standards of process, requirements and guidelines.
- FairMagnet analyzes the EHS-assessments and creates individual EHS training for each raw magnet manufacturer.
- Furthermore, plans for implementation and recommended course of action are given. The audited factories will receive professional support on implementing the recommendations.
- The last step is an evaluation of implementation and progress checks - or re-audits.
The certification is presently conducted by the EHS Center of Nanjing University. The EHS Center is one of Chinas renowned institutes on corporate environmental protection and safety at work in Chinese industry.
ESC Center is mandated by the Chinese government to support factory owners to improve their corporate environment protection and safety at work.
The following graph shows an example of the certification process for a new raw magnet manufacturer.